【 業務用 】堺孝行 特上 正夫包丁 柳刃包丁 27cm【 刺し身包丁 柳包丁 包丁職人 包丁 sakai hocho 】 【メイチョー】


●商品名:堺孝行 特上 正夫包丁 27cm●刃渡:270mm●銘:堺孝行別誂●柄:水牛●安来の白二鋼を使用し、上研で本職用のベストセラーの和包丁です。

●商品名:堺孝行 特上 正夫包丁 27cm●刃渡:270mm●銘:堺孝行別誂●柄:水牛●安来の白二鋼を使用し、上研で本職用のベストセラーの和包丁です。

◆関連ジャンル厨房用品 › 料理道具 › 包丁・砥石・まな板 › 包丁 堺孝行●商品名:堺孝行 特上 正夫包丁 27cm●刃渡:270mm●銘:堺孝行別誂●柄:水牛●安来の白二鋼を使用し、上研で本職用のベストセラーの和包丁です。

◆関連ジャンル厨房用品 › 料理道具 › 包丁・砥石・まな板 › 包丁 堺孝行【2018PO】【古より伝わる堺の名刀 堺孝行刃物】 古来から権威の象徴とされてきた日本刀。






Japanese swords have been a status symbol from ancient times. The core blade is forged by folding selected steel many times and features supreme sharpness and brilliance; it is has been said that the human soul dwells in the sword.Japanese knives are actually works of art descended from Japanese swords, and we proudly present them to the world. The quality of meticulous workmanship represents the pride of masters who create quality knives, and the quality is ensured by traditional skills that have been continuously inherited from their predecessors. Japanese knives have their own unprecedented shapes and are without parallel in the world as knives created for cutting different foods, including fishes and vegetables, and are vital for delicate apanese dishes. All of our staff members wish that you would pick up the Sakai Takayuki brand products which maintain the traditional skills of Sakai's Japanese knives and demonstrate the skills of world class masters. お祭り・イベント機器の激安販売 お祭り・スポーツイベント・フェスティバル・学校・幼稚園・保育園・子供会・体育祭・文化祭などの行事や模擬店、地域のお祭り・イベントで活躍の催事用アイテムを取り揃えています。



  • 商品価格:24,592円
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